Petals & Portraits

The Art of Flowers And Portraits

A mixed media class using charcoal, acrylic paint, pastels, and collage.

I am so excited to share with you how I create expressive and colorful flowers in my artwork.  All summer long I gathered bouquets of flowers for our home, and spent a great deal of time drawing and painting these beauties.  I wanted to immerse myself in this practice to find a way of creating expressive flowers that  would ultimately work within my style of creating. In this course, I encourage you to spend time filling your sketchbook or art journal with drawings, color palettes and more. You will learn to "see" the shapes, forms, and lines of flowers and focus on finding your own creative voice so you can express it within your artwork.

I love to add flowers to my artwork, especially my portraits. Portraits are my absolute favorite thing to draw and I enjoy sharing my techniques on this very challenging subject. In this class, I will take you on a step by step journey as we draw three different portraits.

I truly believe, that as creatives, we should embrace the practice and that it will ultimately lead you and teach you how to develop your own beautiful and unique style as an artist.  Practice is a beautiful process!

This course is literally overflowing with projects and creative possibilities! Please join me as I open my studio and share my techniques and practices with you.

This class is for all levels.


Petals & Portraits

Immediate Access

Regular Price: $68.00

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“Drawing is the root of everything, and the time spent on that is actually all profit.”

– Vincent van Gogh


PROJECT 1: Line & Value

Line is such an important element to your drawing, it is the structure and expression of your art, and is as individual as you are.

In this first project we are going to create a “Library of Flowers” in our art journals using a few simple tools like graphite, charcoal and water. You will love how these loose and expressive flowers float across the page.

In addition, we will use newsprint and charcoal to continue to loosen up and create pages and pages of flowers to help to develop your vocabulary of mark making, and explore value to give form to your drawings.


"If you hear a voice within you saying, ”You are not a painter,” then by all means paint… and that voice will be silenced"

~Vincent van Gogh

                Below is a peek into the course.



PROJECT 2: Creating Layers of Color and Texture

This project will be dedicated to color and texture I will share with you how I build layers of color using acrylic paint, pastels, and a few other fun materials to create flowers with gorgeous color, depth, and texture. 


"I can only draw what I see"

~Claude Monet



Portraits are mesmerizing, challenging and satisfying to draw, and they bring a beautiful presence to your art.  They are also my favorite thing to draw and I am so excited to work along side of you as we create three beautiful portraits.

In this project, we will commit to observing our subject as we create. If you are new to drawing portraits you will be able to follow along step by step as I demonstrate how I keep the drawing "open" to create a frame work in order to create a successful drawing. 



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This incredibly liberating and creatively satisfying project is so much fun! You will paint on vintage paper, rip it up and the use it in your collage along with vintage ephemera.

You will create original and a one-of-a-kind work of art. In addition, I will demonstrate how I take a photo of one of my portraits, copy it, prepare the surface and then use it in the collage. 




I'm so excited about this final project!  You will create rich textured backgrounds and then add gorgeous layers of paint and pastel to create your own unique floral art work. 

I think you are going to love this one!


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BONUS Project: Petals and Portraits.


I couldn't resist adding not one, but two bonus projects. I stumbled across a vintage fashion magazine with amazing photographs and thought it would make the perfect canvas for our painted flowers.

I am kind of obsessed with this project!!


I’m happy to offer you a Free Lesson from the Petals & Portraits Course.

Click the button below:


Here are a few of the things that I will cover in this class.

  • Embrace the beauty of practice.

  • Learn to “see” your subject which is a continuous process and will develop with every drawing you create. 

  • Understand how line and value is important to your drawing and is the structure and expression of your art.

  • Extend your vocabulary of mark making which will bring originality to all of your art.

  • Establish a beautiful color palette.

  • Explore many mixed media techniques.

  • The benefits of using a photo reference when drawing the portrait.

  • Seeing and mapping out relationships between our reference image and our drawing.

  • How to use charcoal in a variety of ways.

  • And more...

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Suggested Art Supplies


Art supplies are so beautiful and hold so much promise, however, I think it is so important to use what you have on hand. Please don't feel you must purchase everything I have listed below. 

I have put a star in front of the items that are the most important for this class.


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