Graceful Muse

Portraits, Paintings, and Assemblage

The grace and beauty found in nature is a rich source of inspiration for your artwork. In this class, I will encourage you to take a walk, look, and listen to the beauty of nature and allow it to inspire and ground your work. Create color studies that reflect who you are as an artist.

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Find freedom in creating expressive portraits with ink and charcoal. Create a beautiful assemblage piece through storytelling, sketches, stitching, vintage ephemera, and natural elements. Build layers of gorgeous color and texture to create an intuitive painting filled with symbolism and meaning. Find your graceful muse and create art from a place that is genuinely you.


I’m excited and honored to be a guest teacher for Jeanne Oliver’s beautiful Creative Network I would love for you to join me as we step into the magic of nature and find new ways to create.

Immediate Access On The Jeanne Oliver Site


6 Hours of Content

15 Lessons


Techniques Taught In This Course

-Explore the grace and beauty found in nature to inspire your artwork.

-Storytelling through assemblage and elements found in nature

-Incorporating vintage elements into your work

-How to create an expressive portrait with charcoal and ink

-Abandon perfection and allow the materials to work their magic

-Expressive mixed media art with acrylics, pastels, and charcoal

-Using symbolism in your art to create a narrative

-Painting the portrait in oils

-Learning to mix beautiful skin tones in oils

-Experimenting with color, marks, and textures to create small color studies

-Develop your personal color palette

-Exploring personal mark-making